A baby quilt

This is a quilt I made a few years ago for a friend’s baby. It is made from calico and scraps from The Eternal Maker, and quilted with brightly-coloured embroidery thread.

The pattern looks simple, but it was very hard to assemble all the different sized scraps into a pleasing whole.


Faceted jewels: 2

I’ve now made the top for the faceted jewels quilt, working on it most days. All in all it consists of about 30 fat quarters, about 8 yards of calico, and over 2236 individual pieces of fabric.


The top is massive (104″ square) and, by the end, piecing it on a small table was a bit of an endurance test. However it’s very satisfying to see the pattern finally emerge.

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A pinwheel quilt

This is one of my early quilts made with Kaffe Fassett stripes and soft Indian woven cotton. It was fun to make and I used the leftover fabric in the quilt back, making it reversible.

If I were to make it again I’d use brighter colours (especially for the stripes) and quilt it more heavily. image image



Continuous log cabin

One of my favourite quilt blocks is continuous log cabin, as described in Lynne Edwards’s “Making Scrap Quilts to Use it Up!” This log cabin block differs from the traditional kind (like the one below) in not having a central ‘hearth’ square around which the light and dark strips are built up.


The blocks are satisfying to make, as instead of cutting the strips to a particular length before piecing, the blocks are trimmed to size as you go along.

below are some quilts I’ve made using this technique. The first was made using some fabric samples I bought on eBay, and the second is a double bed quilt made as a wedding present. The fabric is from one of my favourite ranges, Cinnamon Stars by Moda – I wish they’d reprint it.
